*For PhytaTox Certified Preauxs only - unless directed for home use by an esthetician.
To be used in conjunction with your PhytaTox application kit or Phytafusion Kit
Benefits include calming, wound healing, redness removal, homeostasis, microbial balance, extremely hydrating, antiseptic, antibacterial, reduces acne and balances sebum. One study of many found that participants with moderate acne and large pores who used topical chlorophyllin for three weeks saw an improvement in their skin's overall appearance, and another study from an unbiased source in 2008 found that topical products with chlorophyllin were more effective at healing wounds than other non-prescription aesthetic options.
Ingredients: Distilled Water, Aloe Vera, Chlorophyllin, Rosemary Extract, Leuicidal Liquid, Rosemary EO, Hyaluronic Acid, Plant based Squalene, Chamomile and Lavender.
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